Frequently Asked Questions

Does the Privatizz business app need the universal Privacy cards to work?

No. The Privatizz business app has a search function that can find the profile of anyone associated with your organization. The Privatizz business app can also scan the QR Codes generated by the personal “Privatizz” app. The card does however make the screening process much faster and ensures accurate information. It is therefore recommended but not necessary. 

Why are there two Apps?

There is the normal “Privatizz” app and the “Privatizz Business” app. You can think of it like your Bank card and the pay point at the store. The “Privatizz” app being the bank card, and the “Privatizz Business” app being the Pay point. The “Privatizz” app that contains your personal information and profile. You can use the app to change your personal information or retrieve your screening history at various locations. The “Privatizz Business” app is used by businesses, schools and other organizations to perform the health screening using your Privatizz profile.

What do I need to start using Privatizz for health screening?

  1. Create a “Tenant account” with Privatizz.
  2. Setup your Tenant account, eg upload logos and create users.
  3. Import your organization’s data to create the profiles of your staff or students, using the easy to use Excel template.
  4. To screen people you need to decide if you want to use cards, mobile apps or the search function. If you selected the cards, which is the most efficient and reliable way, you need to assign cards to your staff or students.
  5. You are ready to start health screenings.

How many devices can be used as screening devices for my organization?

Depending on the selected subscription plan there may be limitations that are applied. But from a technical perspective there is no limit. For example, all teachers at the school can use the app on their own devices. This will enable every teacher to perform health screenings in their classes. This significantly reduces processing time. Another example is the management of multiple points of arrival. A device or two can be deployed at every entry and access point.

How does the typical screening process work?

Depending on the selected subscription plan there may be limitations that are applied. But from a technical perspective there is no limit. For example, all teachers at the school can use the app on their own devices. This will enable every teacher to perform health screenings in their classes. This significantly reduces processing time. Another example is the management of multiple points of arrival. A device or two can be deployed at every entry and access point. 


  1. The pupil arrives at school or class
  2. The teacher scans the pupil’s Privatizz card to input the profile to the teacher’s mobile phone.
  3. The teacher verifies if the profile photo on the phone match that of the pupil.
  4. The teacher takes a temperature reading and enters it on the pupils profile.
  5. The pupil is asked if they have any symptoms.
  6. The information is captured in the app and submitted.


  1. The staff member arrives at the office
  2. The screening officer scans the QR Code on the staff member’s personal Privatizz app.
  3. The screening officer verifies if the profile photo on the phone match that of the staff member.
  4. The screening officer takes a temperature reading and enters it on the staff member’s profile.
  5. The staff member is asked if they have any symptoms.
  6. The information is captured in the app and submitted.


  1. The staff member arrives at the office
  2. The staff member scans the QR code on the front door of the office.
  3. The screening officer takes a temperature reading and show it to the staff member.
  4. The staff member enters his temperature and symptoms into the Privatizz app.
  5. The information is submitted.

Where do I get the screened information?

Each organization has a designated administrator. The administrator can login to the website to produce the reports, administrate users and profiles. Various filters and date ranges can be applied to the reports to obtain the desired information. The reports can be exported in several ways that include, pdf, xls, doc, csv and other formats.

Who owns the data and personal information?

This is a critical question especially since the POPI Act was Promulgated on 1 July 2020. All personal information is owned by the individual themselves. Therefore in the case of a school, the information is owned by the pupils themselves. They have therefore certain rights provided to them in accordance with the POPI Act. The aggregated, or summarized, information that do not include names etc, belongs to the subscribed organization. For example, the information of how many pupils were screened and how many symptomatic cases were recorded, belongs to the school, but not the personal information of the staff and pupils. Privatizz do not own, keep or manage any personal information against their wishes. The information shall be destroyed upon request as prescribed by the POPI Act. 

How does attendance work with Privatizz?

It is important to note that Privatizz is not a “Time and Attendance” solution. It does however have the side benefit to record the time and date of the screening. It can therefore report if someone was at school or the office or not. It should however not be confused with a full time and attendance systems that contain features to manage lunch breaks and leave days. The attendance service Privatizz offers is a simple attendance register format report, that indicate what time individuals signed in and out. For many applications this may be sufficient, but for others a full time and attendance system is recommended. 

What post screening processing is required?

There is no additional processing required. Because the tenant or organization was originally setup with the organizations structure in mind, real-time reporting happens automatically.

What advanced reporting capabilities are there?

Apart from the advanced and flexible reports itself, Privatizz is able to utilize hierarchical reporting. This means the roll-up reporting from various departments in the organization is possible. For example; The educational system consists of multiple levels of reporting. Classes report grades, report to schools, report to circuits, report to districts, report to provinces, report to the National Department of Education. Hierarchical reporting therefore enables reporting at all these levels in real-time. There are no data capturing errors and without compromising the personal information of the individuals.

What if I lose my Privatizz card?

Because every Privatizz card is unique, it is easy to replace. The Privatizz business app can edit your profile and assign a new card. Your organization will have spare cards and assign another card to you immediately. Because there is no information stored on the card itself, the lost card can be detached from your profile and is thereby rendered useless.

What information is stored on the card?

Apart from a unique code used for validation, there is no information contained on the card itself. No Personal information can be accessed on the card because there is nothing on the card. All information is stored in the systems, not the card.

Where can I buy more cards?

You can buy additional cards from this website,, or any participating retail store. Because the cards don’t contain any personal information, you can buy it at the supermarket similar to a gift card.

What can I do on the Privatizz app?

The Privatizz app is the personal app for individuals.

What can I do on the Privatizz business app?

The Privatizz Business app is the app for businesses and organizations.

What can I do on the Privatizz website?

This is the administrative core of the system.